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قديم 03-26-2010, 04:19 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
~ A7lA DoNiA ~
بواب نشط
التسجيل: Mar 2010
العضوية: 43
المشاركات: 200
بمعدل : 0.04 يوميا
الإتصال ~ A7lA DoNiA ~ غير متواجد حالياً

المنتدى : نافذة الأدب الأنجليزى
افتراضي Pass forth my wonted cries

Pass forth my wonted cries

The of this edition is taken from The Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt edited by A.K. Foxwell, London 1913. The modern spelling version and the notes are provided The notes are not intended to be exhaustive, but to provide the minimum assistance to students for whom the poems are new.


Old fashion

Passe forth my wonted cryes

Those cruell eares to pearce,

Which in most hateful wyse

Doe styll my plaintes reverse.

Doe you my teares, also

So wet her barrein hart,

That pitye there may grow,

And crueltie departe.

For though hard rockes among

She semes to have bene bred,

And of the Tigre long

Bene nourished and fed ;

Yet shall that nature change,

If pitie once win place

Whan as unknowen and strange,

She now away doth chase.

And as the water soft

Without forcyng or strength,

Where that it falleth oft,

Hard stones doeth perse at length :

So in her stony hart

My plaintes at last shall grave,

And rigour set apart,

Winne grant of that I crave.

Wherefore my plaintes, present

Styll so to her my sute

As ye, through her assent

May bring to me some frute.

And as she shall me prove,

So bid her me regarde,

And render love for love,

Which is a just reward.

Modern English

Pass forth my wonted cries

Those cruel ears to pierce,

Which in most hateful wise

Do still my plaints reverse.

Do you my tears, also

So wet her barren heart,

That pity there may grow,

And cruelty depart.

For though hard rocks among

She seems to have been bred,

And of the Tiger long

Been nourished and fed;

Yet shall that nature change,

If pity once win place

When as unknown and strange,

She now away doth chase.

And as the water soft

Without forcing or strength,

Where that it falleth oft,

Hard stones doth perse at length.

So in her stony hart

My plaints at last shall grave,

And, rigour set apart,

Win grant of that I crave.

Wherefore my plaints, present

Still so to her my suit

As ye, through her assent

May bring to me some fruit.

And as she shall me prove,

So bid her me regard,

And render love for love,

Which is a just reward.


. reverse = send back to me.

. When as = when it, as (i.e. pity).

. perse = pierce.

. grave = engrave.

rigour set apart = (with her) harshness put to one side.

present - an imperative addressed to his complaints. 'Go forth, my complaints, and present persistently my suit to her'.

. prove = find.


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